52 FILMS BY WOMEN: #14. What Happened Miss Simone (2015) U.S.A. Liz Garbus Hands down, this documentary opening is the most captivating, that I’ve ever seen. Many artist claim to give themselves to the audience but here we are observed by Nina! Are we worthy of her performance? We wait in silence as she…
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Advocacy#STEP #StepIsLife #BlackGirlMagic 2 women …(yes I must note Caucasian for specific reasons of intent and personal motivation) set out to tackle “American Blackness” and “Black history” Major Historical Event… #1 “STEP” Amanda Lipitz (Baltimore angst right after Freddie Gray verdict) And then #2 “Detroit” Kathryn Bigalow (The 1967 Detroit riots) Both films open this…
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