Speak No Evil (2024) Overview/Synopsis In this 2024 remake of the Danish thriller Speak No Evil (2022), two families—one polite and reserved, the other socially forward—meet during a holiday in Italy. After their initial vacation together, the socially forward couple, portrayed by James McAvoy and Aisling Franciosi, sends a postcard inviting the polite couple, played…
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52 FILMS BY WOMEN: #19 Vuelven (Tigers are not afraid) (2018) Mexico Written by Issa by Lopez Vuelven (Tigers Are Not Afraid) is the most hauntingly beautiful Ghost Story from writer/director Issa Lopez who channels not only a poetic truth of drug wars through children’s eyes, but also loss with such an eerie…
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52 FILMS BY WOMEN: #15. Advantageous (2015) U.S.A. Jennifer Phang In an overpriced world where existing comes at a high price, Gwen the spokeswomen for a body modification company realizes she is being aged out of her job. With no job prospects and a daughter Jules whom she wants to give a better chance…
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52 FILMS BY WOMEN: #13. RAW (Grave) (2016) France/Belgium Julia Ducournau RAW is a nuanced story of love, secrets, & acceptance. I read a comment on this film calling it a slow Ginger Snaps, but I think that fan (of possibly the horror genre) missed the subtle subplots. In the film, Justine (an adamant…
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52 FILMS BY WOMEN: #8. HUSH (2016) U.S.A. –Written by Kate Seigel Not every film by a woman that I post will be loved by me. But I will respect that a woman is part of the process and evaluate the project. Such is the case with Hush. Premise: Maddie (Kate Seigel) is at…
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#1. The Invitation (2015) USA by Karyn Kusama #52FilmsByWomen REVIEW RETURNING SHORTLY
Civil War Feminism…Without Black Women, but appropriating their style? Sofia said in Vanity Fair “I did not want to perpetuate an objectionable stereotype where facts and history supported my choice of setting the story of these white women in complete isolation, after the slaves had escaped. Moreover, I felt that to treat slavery as a…
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This is definitely a mainstream film that fell short. There’s a great idea, some very cool cameos, yet the inconsistent pacing and plot holes cripple what could have been a new franchise. In the 2010 film Chain Letter the writers tries to tap into a great premise.Premise in a word or two: A HS kid…
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