52 FILMS BY WOMEN: #13. RAW (Grave) (2016) France/Belgium Julia Ducournau RAW is a nuanced story of love, secrets, & acceptance. I read a comment on this film calling it a slow Ginger Snaps, but I think that fan (of possibly the horror genre) missed the subtle subplots. In the film, Justine (an adamant…
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Some of you may have heard of this as Blood Couple and Black Evil, but for those of you lucky enough to have seen the original in theaters or the collector Director’s Cut of Ganja & Hess have had the privilege of seeing a deep and fascinating film that just so happens to be about…
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Scandinavians have been busy with their vampires! I’m writing this to bring to light TWO great movies from two really cold places. We’ve all heard the hoopla about Let the Right One In. “It’s so amazing!!” or “It’s the best vampire film of the decade!” so on and so forth. But wait a minute. Though…
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